I want God’s blessing…in and on my life. The truth is that everyone does…even those who claim no belief in God at all. We’re all looking for direction, meaning, security, satisfaction, peace, connection, love, significance, provision, joy, and hope in our lives.
Whether we know it or not…believe it or not…God is the only source for these. He is the author of life and fullness. It’s what Jesus came to bring us…”life and life to the full,” John 10:10b. To know God’s blessing is to know the life only He can provide for us. Do you know it? To be honest, I often find myself without it. Not because it’s not always available to me but because I seek it in the wrong way…my way. So, when I wake up and discover I’m living outside God’s blessing, I have to refocus myself on the prescription Jesus gave us for experiencing it…hearing and obeying God’s Word. e.g. Luke 11:28 – He (Jesus) replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
There it is…simple and clear.
Are you missing God’s blessing these days? If so, it’s a clear sign that you either haven’t been really hearing His Word or you’re not obeying it. There’s an easy fix…but you have to apply it. The question is…are you awake enough to recognize if your missing His blessing or not?