I really do believe that God’s timing is perfect. (I believe anyone who genuinely believes in the God of the Bible needs to believe this. He’s all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present. His timing must be perfect.) Here’s my problem. I don’t live as I believe it. So, I try to “make things happen” in my timing while seeking God’s help and giving God credit. Sound familiar?
This is dangerous and destructive. By trying to force or change God’s timing, we can actually mess up our lives by missing God’s will…even when we know it. As hard as it is, we need to learn to trust in and wait on God’s timing.
A great example of this is seen in the contrast of two Kings: David and Saul. King Saul believed in and knew the power of God. He experienced and lived it. But, when it came to trusting and waiting on God’s timing, He couldn’t do it, (1 Samuel 13:7-14). As a result, he messed up and missed God’s will for his life. Whereas David, though his circumstances were more frustrating and fearful, practiced what He believed about God by waiting, (1 Samuel 26:7-11). He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was God’s will for him to be King. He knew that God had removed His Spirit from Saul. But, though his life was at risk and years went by, David didn’t force the timing by killing Saul. He trusted in and waited on God’s timing.
Now, this doesn’t mean that we sit around singing “kumbaya my Lord” and do nothing. It means that we do what we can do…remain faithful, invest ourselves fully in the areas of influence and responsibility that we’ve already been given, seize the opportunities God gives today, and keep growing, learning, and preparing. But, we should never seek to control what we cannot control or change what we cannot change. We should never compromise or shortcut God’s truth or our character to speed up His timing.
If we want to finish like David rather than Saul, then we need to, as difficult as it may be, trust in and wait on God’s PERFECT timing.
How are you doing at this?