His Word can make us a laughing stock…especially in our unbelieving, politically correct world. But, why would it be any different for us than it was for the One we’re following.

They laughed at Jesus. Checkout Mark 5:40. But, don’t stop there because the story doesn’t end with them laughing. It ends with Jesus raising a little girl from the dead. Think about it. From the human perspective, it was crazy talk to refer to a dead girl as “sleeping.” But, from God’s perspective…the God with whom nothing is impossible…she was just taking an afternoon nap. Jesus got the last laugh.

When we follow, believe, trust, and obey Him, people will laugh at us. As hard as that is in the moment, in the end, we won’t regret it. Because what God says…no matter how crazy from the human perspective…is always true and He always does.

Though something may be laughably impossible or beyond belief for us, it is doable, easy, and possible with God. Remember, He’s God. Those laughing aren’t. So, don’t be swayed by them. Take His hand, as the little girl in the story, and let Him do His life-changing work in you.

If you do, you’ll always get the last laugh.

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